Tuesday, 20 September 2011

When Spending Time with the Lord Has Become a Luxury

        I have been back to Hong Kong for nearly two months now and I am about to go back to England again. When I looked back of what I have done for the last months, “nothing” is probably the best word to describe it. Now entirely “nothing” literally, I have been meeting up with family and friends, did some temporary jobs, did some shopping, and watching drama on my computer etc. The main reason why I said “nothing” is because they aren’t particularly urgent or time-consuming stuff in some ways, and in theory I should have more time than ever to read my bible, pray to God and enjoy the company to be with Him. But ironically enough, I have actually spent less time with God than when I was crazy about the musical production and my exams! And suddenly I realised that spending time with the Lord has become a luxury for me!

        You must be thinking, “That’s weird!” You know what? That was exactly my reaction as well in the first place! Normally what you hear the most are often, “I have got something from my boss this month and I have to finish it by the end of the week and I don’t have any time to sleep, don’t even think about having time to read my bible or pray!” or “I would have gone to fellowship this week if there wasn’t so much stuff to deal with” etc. In fact from my personal experience, if I don’t set myself a time to do whatever I want to do when I am busy, I will still never do it while I have time to! Maybe it’s true for you as well!

        Today after the service, while others were catching up with others, I sat down on my own thinking about the sermon (It was a very good sermon by Pastor Tim by the way!), and I had a thought that I wanted to have some quiet time with the Lord because I wanna ask Him something. But shocking enough when I asked myself when was my last time having proper quiet time, I realised that it was two months ago, while I was still in England! (Although during this period of time I did read, pray, go to church and fellowship, I wasn’t fully connected with God!)

       This time I know I really need it, so after lunch I went back to church and spent a good whole time there. I wasn’t long to be honest, but it was good, good to be connected again. Because of our sinful nature, we cannot be on line with Him all the time, but when you do it is just satisfying! That kind of peace, joy and love from God just overflow from the Spirit and you just know that He is there, the only one true God that promised never to leave you and forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). Everything that stresses and frustrates me for the last couple of days seems tiny and meaningless compare to God’s limitless grace. Isn’t it awesome our God?

        I just want to encourage all our brothers and sisters that our God is good, and He is always (yes, always!) better than how we think about Him. It’s worth to spend time with Our Creator that creates and chooses us before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him (Ephesians 1:4) and be with Him forever and ever (amen!).

        I remember before I became Christian, I was struggling with the question of “What is the purpose of life?” as I couldn’t give an answer to that question! And later by God’s infinite grace He brought me out from darkness and called me to be His child. Now I can proudly and confidently say that the purpose of our lives is “To know God and enjoy Him forever”! I hope you would agree with this statement as well.

        One last thing I wanna say is next time when there is something you wanna do but you don’t feel like doing it because you are too busy, tell yourself, “Do it now or never!”

        May God’s grace and love be with you all as always.

Hong Kong

P.S. – There is a song that I enjoyed very much recently and I wanna share with you. Hope you will like it :)

Vicky Beeching - Undivided Heart

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