Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Hungry and Afterthought

At the end of every month’s Wednesday night, we have a prayer and worship session called Hungry. We were helping with the Mighty Warriors Party for the little children (which itself was amazing!) so we arrived late. Worship has already started by the time we arrived and everyone was singing at the top of their voices worshiping God. It doesn’t take long for me to feel the overwhelming sense of God’s presence at the whole church, and it grew stronger and stronger and it was so strong that I simply just couldn’t stop throwing myself into His presence. Everyone was singing with eyes closed, in awe. My spirit was lifted up as worship continued and the lyrics of the songs became so real to me and I could feel my spirit was on fire, a great sense of hunger and desire for Him. It is really hard to use any words to describe being in God’s presence, but once you have felt it you would understand what I mean by it – satisfaction to your soul.

Without doubt this is the reason why this prayer and worship session is called Hungry – hunger for God’s presence. I believe this is what we are called to do as Christians, worship God and hunger for Him. As Church we not just hunger for His presence whenever we worship Him, we hunger to see Him changing people’s heart and lives, we hunger to see His glory being shone, we hunger to see Him doing great things in our cities. Near the end of the Hungry Charlie invited us to come forward to have a 20 seconds prayer to lift up our burdens to God, I went forward and prayed that God will set our heart on fire for Him and the people we love and care for. Fire that not just consumes but also transforms, being the light which shone His glory. This reminds me the chorus of one of the Tim Hughes song:

Consuming fire fan into flame
A passion for Your name
Spirit of God fall in this place
Lord, have Your way
Lord, have Your way with us


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