Tuesday, 8 January 2013

In Your Season

River Thames at Christ Church Meadow, Oxford, in Early Morning

Although God has spoken powerfully to me recently through different people in different places, it seems like He is silent to me when I asked Him some personal questions, like what He wants me to do and where He wants me to be next year. I was desperate if I am honest, I found it hard to hear from God.

Having an advice from Emily, I decided to do something different, something I don’t normally do – early walk at Christ Church Meadow after breakfast. It just turned bright and the sky was so fresh, and so blue. To my surprise it wasn’t cold at all, just a gentle breeze of the morning wind. Anastasie, Paulina and I were supposed to have our own quiet time in the meadow, but Anastasie and I ended up chatting! We talked about a lot of things, our lives before the internship, why we would love to stay in England (if we could), a bit about family, our ministries and life in general really. But we spent quite a lot of time talking about the future – things like what we would like to do in summer, next (academic) year and even next year summer! Through the conversation we kinda share the same frustration that we simply don’t know God’s will and plan for us individually. What direction is He guiding us to? What is it that is on His mind? We simply didn’t have any answers for all those questions, and we want them, now!

It wasn’t my first time walking in the meadow, so all the scenery and buildings are not unfamiliar to me and they are gorgeous, you will never get bored of looking at them! When we were walking past those familiar scenery and buildings, I remember the photos that I once took some time back. If I took the same photos at the same spots where I was, the photos would be quite different even though they are the same Christ Church College and the same River Thames, because we are now in different season! I felt like God was speaking to me saying that although I am now at different season of my life, He is still the same in every season. He is still the God who guided me through the lows of my life. He is still the same God that loves me. He is still the God whom I could always trust and rely on. Maybe I just need to be patient and let Him do His will in His own time and in His own way. I remember my friend said to me once that if God tells me everything I am gonna do in my life, life won’t fun anymore! I laughed when she said it because I know she is right! Once again I was reminded by God of this verse in Romans 8:

We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.
Romans 8:38


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